TÜFTAD, Turkish Pharmaceutical Researchers Association, was founded in 1991 and currently has members from all around Turkey. It organizes interactive, national and international forums/meetings to improve its contributions to pharmaceutics and healthcare in Turkey by providing exchange of information between scientists, the industry and regulatory authorities. TÜFTAD creates a contact network for timely and proper scientific programs and professional development.
TÜFTAD’s mission is to deal with topics that are mainly related to human health in daily life among pharmaceutical sciences including general and industrial pharmaceutical technologies, biopharmaceutics, pharmacokinetics, pharmaceutical biotechnology, cosmetology, radiopharmacy, pharmacoeconomics, and GMP and to provide services to public with the pharmaceutical sciences comprised of a fusion of these sciences.
TÜFTAD plays a role in providing dynamic flow of information in succeeding this mission through both national and international activities and participations. It thus develops strategies for both its members and the industry, health authorities, academic circles and the public, particularly the young people to follow the scientific developments in the world closely, to acquire knowledge, and to reach new information on the field at first hand, and to be on the same level as the researchers worldwide.
TÜFTAD acknowledges that it is their responsibility to fully internalise the developments on international platforms, thereby reinforcing their mission with global developments and that it is their indispensable mission to represent the country abroad. By the responsibility of that mission, TÜFTAD has adopted carrying pharmaceutical sciences into future as a strategy integrated with international scientific approaches. Therefore, TÜFTAD acknowledges that it is an educational, occupational, civic, and human duty to bring the scientific, technologic, and legal developments in the pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical, medical sciences, and health sciences as a whole to the country, to its members and to Turkish society.
Within the frame of this determined mission and according to the targets comprised of the strategic plans covering the parts of the mission that should be realized within as certain time period, it provides services to all professionals and members of the public that serve for and set their heart on pharmaceutical sciences for the purpose of achieving the goal.
TÜFTAD is glad and conscious of the fact that it is its mission to ensure that pharmaceutical sciences achieve their goal in cooperation with associations such as KSSD and Cosmetology Association in the establishment of which it played a pioneering role and all pharmaceutical science institutions and organizations that organize international meetings in our country that gained continuity, and that it is its responsibility to hand down that mission to next generations to achieve its goal through the strategies it has set.